Sunday, May 13, 2018

S2D Replacing PhysicalDisk Quick Reference

List phsyical disks to find failed disk. Note serial number.
Get-PhysicalDisk | Get-StorageReliabilityCounter

List virtual disks that use the drive, remember them for later.
Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber A1B2C3D4 | Get-VirtualDisk

"Retire" the Physical Disk to mark the drive as inactive, so that no further data will be written to it.
$Disk = Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber A1B2C3D4
$Disk | Set-PhysicalDisk -Usage Retired

S2D should start a to rebuild the virtual disks that utilized the drive.

To be extra safe, run the following on each of the virtual disks that was listed above.
Repair-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName 'VirtualDiskX'

This storage jobs will likely take some time.

Remove the retired drive from the storag pool.
Get-StoragePool *S2D* | Remove-PhysicalDisk –PhysicalDisk $Disk

Physically remove the bad disk.
Physically add a new disk (could peform this first if you have empty drive bays) and check to see if it was added to the storage pool.
Get-PhysicalDisk | ? CanPool –eq True

If nothing is returned it should have been added to the pool, this is what you want as S2D should claim all disks.

If it wasn't added to the pool try the following:
$newDisk = Get-PhysicalDisk | ? CanPool –eq True
Get-StoragePool *S2D* | Add-PhysicalDisk –PhysicalDisks $newDisk –Verbose

Find the new disk's serial number and then see if any virtual disks are using it. None should be yet.
Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber NEWSNBR | Get-VirtualDisk

Rebalance storage pool
Get-StoragePool *S2D* | Optimize-StoragePool
Get-VirtualDisk | Repair-VirtualDisk

Now virtual disks should be using it
Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber NEWSNBR | Get-VirtualDisk

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